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dinner party

Salted Caramel Ice Cream

Salted Caramel Ice cream and caramel sauce

Salted Caramel Ice cream and caramel sauce

  • Cooking time5 minutes
  • Preparation time10 minutes
  • Servings6 portions
recipe image Salted Caramel Ice Cream
Caramel Sauce
  • sugar 200 grams
  • Flora Professional 31% plant-based dairy cream alternative 400 grams
  • vanilla pod 1/2 or vanilla essence 1 drop
Salted caramel ice cream
  • caramel sauce 250 grams
  • Flora Professional 31% plant-based dairy cream alternative 450 grams
  • fine salt pinch
Caramel Sauce
  1. Place your sugar in a pan on low heat until caramelises then slowly introduce the cream on high heat to boil in.Add drop of vanilla essence.
  2. This makes 550ml of caramel sauce.
Salted caramel ice cream
  1. Heat cream and pour onto 250grams of caramel sauce and salt. It's now ready for the ice cream machine.