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For Sauce
10 grams Phase clarified
35 grams chopped shallots
2 grams thyme leaves
10 grams black garlic crushed (approximately 5 cloves)
100 grams red wine
300 grams plant jus
100 grams Flora Plant 15% plant-based cream
For Reduction
80 grams champagne vinegar
50 grams finely chopped shallots
Sautee the shallot and thyme in PHASE Liquid until translucent.
Add black garlic and wine, and then reduce by half.
Add plant jus, bring to a simmer, and pass through a chinois into a clean pan.
Whisk in the plant-based cream.
In a saucepan, combine the champagne vinegar and finely chopped shallot. Simmer and reduce by half.
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